
Join Our Sunday Crew!

As provincial restrictions loosen and better weather approaches, we are moving to outdoor services every Sunday. These services will allow us as a church family, and seekers, to safely participate in person—either outside or inside of their vehicle.

In order for these services to work, volunteers are needed! Most importantly, we are in need of volunteers to fill these roles:

  • Welcome hosts

    • This role includes coming 45 minutes before the service (9:45am) and setting up any needed equipment (tents, cones, etc.). The welcome host’s main function is to greet people as they come to the parking lot, ensuring they are registered, checking to see if they will be coming outside of their vehicle or not, showing them where to park, giving them song sheets, and giving them communion elements (if needed). The welcome host would then help take-down the equipment.

  • Sunday school helpers

    • We plan to provide as many Sunday school programs for children as we can for our Sunday gatherings. If you enjoy working with children, this may be the place for you. (A Criminal Record Check will need to be received before volunteering. NVBC will give you the information you need to complete your CRC if you are interested in this volunteer role).

  • Sanitizers

    • At the end of a service, the bathrooms, outdoor tables, and any chairs that were used will need to be sanitized. Volunteers in this role will need to commit to staying after the service for about 15-20 minutes.

  • Video/Livestream helpers

    • If you are comfortable with computers or are easily trainable, this may be an opportunity for you to get involved. A volunteer in this role would come for 9:30am, set up camera and computer equipment, set up the livestream, test the livestream, and prepare to fix any issues that may come up during the service.

Please consider joining our Sunday Crew! For more information, please email us. If you’d like to apply to volunteer, please fill out the form below.

Apply to be a part of the sunday crew!