Isaac Dagneau September 20, 2020 We Must Need and Follow Jesus the Great Physician (Luke 5:27-32) Isaac Dagneau September 20, 2020 Isaac Dagneau | Luke 5:27-32 | The Gospel of Luke
Isaac Dagneau September 13, 2020 Mission Sunday: Who Are We and Why Are We Here? (Matthew 4:18-22) Isaac Dagneau September 13, 2020 Isaac Dagneau | Matthew 4:18-22 | Mission Sunday 2020
Isaac Dagneau September 6, 2020 Know and Exercise the Compassion and Authority of Jesus (Luke 5:12-26) Isaac Dagneau September 6, 2020 Isaac Dagneau | Luke 5:12-26 | The Gospel of Luke
Isaac Dagneau August 30, 2020 Four Fundamentals of Healthy Discipleship (Luke 5:1-11) Isaac Dagneau August 30, 2020 Isaac Dagneau | Luke 5:1-11 | The Gospel of Luke
Isaac Dagneau August 23, 2020 Behold, Believe, and Declare the Good News of the Kingdom in Jesus (Luke 4:31-44) Isaac Dagneau August 23, 2020 Isaac Dagneau | Luke 4:31-44 | The Gospel of Luke
Isaac Dagneau August 16, 2020 Bold Witness in a Hostile World (Psalm 2) Isaac Dagneau August 16, 2020 Isaac Dagneau | Psalm 2 | The Gospel of Luke
Isaac Dagneau August 9, 2020 Believe Jesus! (Luke 4:14-30) Isaac Dagneau August 9, 2020 Isaac Dagneau | Luke 4:14-30 | The Gospel of Luke
Isaac Dagneau August 2, 2020 Stand in Awe of and Allegiance with Jesus (Luke 4:1-13) Isaac Dagneau August 2, 2020 Isaac Dagneau | Luke 4:1-13 | The Gospel of Luke
Isaac Dagneau July 26, 2020 Commit to Jesus, the God-Anointed King and Saviour of the World (Luke 3:21-38) Isaac Dagneau July 26, 2020 Isaac Dagneau | Luke 3:21-38 | The Gospel of Luke
Isaac Dagneau July 19, 2020 Fearlessly Follow Jesus, the Superior One (Luke 3:15-20) Isaac Dagneau July 19, 2020 Isaac Dagneau | Luke 3:15-20 | The Gospel of Luke
Isaac Dagneau July 12, 2020 Live Lives Flowing from a Repentant Heart (Luke 3:1-14) Isaac Dagneau July 12, 2020 Isaac Dagneau | Luke 3:1-14 | The Gospel of Luke Audio Block Double-click here to upload or link to a .mp3. Learn more
Isaac Dagneau July 5, 2020 Jesus is Defined By God (Luke 2:41-52) Isaac Dagneau July 5, 2020 Isaac Dagneau | Luke 2:41-52 | The Gospel of Luke
Isaac Dagneau June 28, 2020 See, Celebrate, and Share Jesus (Luke 2:1-40) Isaac Dagneau June 28, 2020 Isaac Dagneau | Luke 2:1-40 | The Gospel of Luke
Isaac Dagneau June 21, 2020 Rejoice! Christ Has Come, and Christ Will Come Again (Luke 1:57-80) Isaac Dagneau June 21, 2020 Isaac Dagneau | Luke 1:57-80 | The Gospel of Luke
Isaac Dagneau June 14, 2020 Rejoice and Believe in the God Who Fulfills His Word (Luke 1:39-56) Isaac Dagneau June 14, 2020 Isaac Dagneau | Luke 1:39-56 | The Gospel of Luke
Isaac Dagneau June 7, 2020 Believe By Faith in What God Has Said (Luke 1:5-38) Isaac Dagneau June 7, 2020 Isaac Dagneau | Luke 1:5-38 | The Gospel of Luke
Isaac Dagneau May 31, 2020 That You May Be Certain (Luke 1:1-4) Isaac Dagneau May 31, 2020 Isaac Dagneau | Luke 1:1-4 | The Gospel of Luke
Isaac Dagneau May 24, 2020 Praying for Power to Be Like Christ Pt. 2 (Ephesians 3:17b-21) Isaac Dagneau May 24, 2020 ISAAC DAGNEAU | EPHESIANS 3:17B-21 | PRAYING FOR POWER TO BE LIKE CHRIST (A 2-WEEK SERMON SERIES IN EPHESIANS 3:14-21)
Isaac Dagneau May 17, 2020 Praying for Power to Be Like Christ Pt. 1 (Ephesians 3:14-17a) Isaac Dagneau May 17, 2020 Isaac Dagneau | Ephesians 3:14-17a | Praying for Power to Be Like Christ (A 2-Week Sermon Series in Ephesians 3:14-21)
Isaac Dagneau May 10, 2020 Decide Today to Love Your God (Deuteronomy 11:2-32) Isaac Dagneau May 10, 2020 Isaac Dagneau | Deuteronomy 11:2-32 | The Gospel According to Moses (A Series Through Deuteronomy 1-11)