No Grey Lives!


Hey Church family,

If you didn't catch the message yesterday, we emphasized the importance of living as children of light—because we are children of light!

Ephesians 5:8 is the focus: "For at one time you were darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Walk as children of light."

Brothers and sisters, be reminded at the beginning of this new week that you are light in the Lord!

To be "light" is to have been transformed by the Light of life: Jesus Christ. In John 8:12 Jesus says about himself, "I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life."

Because of the grace of God in the gospel, we have been transformed into a new creature in Jesus. Our sins have been forgiven, we are no longer enslaved to sin, and we have received the Spirit of God.

Therefore, because we are now light in Christ, we ought to walk as children of light.

This is what discipleship is. To be a student and follower of Jesus (the Light), learning from and imitating him, we live as lights—exposing and transforming the darkness of our present evil world.

Church, you are lights in Jesus Christ! So, live your lives as children of light!

Let's determine right now that we will live "no grey lives".

What is a grey life? It's a life in between the darkness and the Light. It's what Jesus calls in Revelation 3:16 a "lukewarm" life—it's neither hot nor cold.

A grey life isn't a true and real life; a grey discipleship isn't a true and real discipleship.

We don't follow a grey God, we follow the God who "is light," who has "no darkness" in him (1 John 1:5; John 8:12).

Yes, there is grace for all of us who fall into the grey. But let's not stay there! Let's receive the Spirit's conviction and encouragement and rise up!

There's no better time than now to obey Jesus' serious and exciting words: "Follow me!" (Mark 1:17).

To help us live as light, I'm excited about the two new weekly opportunities we've started—opportunities that serve to further our mission as a church: to be and make disciple of Jesus Christ. Watch the video below for more information!

Have a great week in the Light (Jesus) and as lights!
